All raptors are federally protected. In order to keep a raptor a person needs state and federal permits. All of our birds are permanently injured and this prevents them from being able to be released into the wild.
If you would like to see more about what our raptors are doing, check out our
Facebook page!
Howard the Hawk
Howard is a Red Tail Hawk. He hatched in May 2006. Unfortunately, he has brain damage and is not able to hunt. Howard enjoys flying and eating his dinner.
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Click to watch Howard eating his dinner.
Howard watches the sun go down every evening. Watch Howard on his swing .
Luna is a beautiful barred owl. She is the newest member to the family. She was found with a wing injury and cannot fly. While she is good at educating people about the wonders of the natural world; she is just a little nervous around people. After all, she is new to the job.
Kentucky the Owl
This is Kentucky, a handsome horned owl. He is the star of our Facebook page. Kentucky was found with a wing injury when he was only 6 months old. Since he was placed in captivity at a young age, he did not develop the mature vocal vocabulary of an adult owl. Today, although he is now a partial amputee, Kentucky tours the area visiting classrooms and other places of educational growth to better the future.
This is Valentine, a screech owl. Even though he is small, he is an important a member to the family. Because of his size, he eats food that is smaller than what the larger owls prefer. He was found on Valentine's Day after being hit by a car. Due to his accident, he is blind in his right eye. He now travels to programs offered by BIOSE.